When it comes to reporting for various fund portfolio’s we have chosen to only show those SDGs where a direct positive link was found between a fund investment and specific targets and/or indicators set out in the SDGs. Since mid 2020 we built these graphs based on the value at the time of reporting and shown as a percentage of the portfolio. All investments are scrceened and labelled based on below overview. Since 2020 FMO regards all investments as postive contributions to SDG 8 as this represent the core of FMO: sustainable growth and decent work for all. This is not yet represented in below overview. As the fund itself is a partnership contributing to the SDGs, SDG 17 Partnerships for the goals always applies.
More information is available via these links:
• How FMO measures its impact.
• The UN website on SDGs
• DNB Sustainable Finance Platform
– working group on SDG Impact Indicators